Why and how you should enter new patients into MyMedLeads

Why and how you should enter new patients into MyMedLeads

For the purposes of this article, a new patient is a lead that is ready to schedule an appointment the first time you ever interact with her. This person would not yet exist in your EMR.

Its best to enter a new patient in MyMedLeads and then Convert to your EMR so you can capture the external Lead Source. You can do this w/hardly any duplicate entry:
  1. Click Add New Lead at the top left of the funnel.

  2. You'll see a short form requiring only Lead Source, Name and either email or phone number. If you see the name appear at the bottom of the screen as you are typing, then the record already exists in MyMedLeads; select Use This. Otherwise Save to finish creating the record.

  3. If the lead is ready to schedule an appointment right away - in other words, to become a patent, just click Convert to (your EMR). From here you will schedule and manage them as you would any patient in your EMR.
    1. Note: some EMRs have 1-2 additional required fields you must provide, and for incoming calls you may need to update the person's name or other info that didn't come through on caller ID. Be sure to Save any changes before clicking Convert to.

Incoming calls from leads that aren't ready to schedule

If the new person is not ready to schedule right now, be sure to update the name and any other contact info you can get from them and Save the record. Then add a comment in Staff Notes, which will update the lead from New to Follow up. From then on, manage that lead in MyMedLeads same as anyone who needed a 2nd call, w/out clicking Convert To at this time.

Patients already in your EMR who aren't new but have recent or future appointments.

If an existing record is scheduled in your EMR, MyMedLeads will create a new record to match it, with the lead source with your EMR's name. You can see these on the View All Leads when you set Lead Type = View All.  These records will never be in New or Follow Up status and don't show up on the funnel or in conversion reports. 

This is why it's best not to enter a new patient directly into your EMR.  If you must, be aware that MyMedLeads does not receive any info about the Lead Source from your EMR.  You can either manually update the person's Lead Source once they are scheduled, OR be aware that this person's activity will not be shown in the funnel or any conversion reports.
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