How does the Activity Report work?

How does the Activity Report work?

The Activity Report shows, by user, the average first response time and the conversion rate from New to Scheduled.  Here are definitions of the numbers and best practices for getting the most meaningful data you need.

First, run the report with a very small date range - it's much easier to interpret. Try Date Range "This Week" or "Yesterday, for instance.

Next, the numbers you see in the columns are numbers of people, not activities. A person with 5 activities for this date range would show up as 1 on this report.

  1. Managed is the number of people that had some sort of activity from that user. It could be a note, Call Now, Convert to NexTech, etc. One person (lead) might have more than one line of activity when you drill down for details.
  1. Appointments is the number of people who had one or more appointments scheduled (not completed).  So you could see "1" and then drill down to find that the one person was scheduled more than once for that date range.
  1. Calls made is the number of people who have Contacted next to their name b/c someone clicked Call Now.  This would be any contact, not just first response.
  1. Emails sent is the number of people who have Contacted next to their name b/c someone clicked Send Email.  This would be any contact, not just first response.
  1. Response time is the average first response time for the user for that date range. You can click Response Time Report to see the detail.

Finally, for accounts integrated w/an EMR, the person who gets credit for any activity coming from your EMR (scheduling, etc.) is the user assigned to the lead in MML when the record was converted. So even though anyone could have Scheduled me in the EMR for an appointment, if you were assigned to my lead in MML, you will get credit on the Activity Report for the scheduling.

If nobody is assigned to a lead, MML will assign the default EMR user., You can see and change the Default EMR user at Preferences> EMR Account Settings.
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