How can I keep track of unresponsive leads?

How can I keep track of unresponsive leads?

There are three ways to keep track of and follow up with unresponsive leads.

  1. First, when you open a lead, there is a Reminder button you can use to remind yourself at whatever time intervals you like to follow up w/someone. Many of our clients will set a reminder for a week out and just cancel it if the person calls back before that time. These reminders notify you via email and they also appear on the dashboard (Home page) for anyone to see.

  2. Second, when you look at View All Leads, there's a column heading that looks like a phone and email icon where you can see how many times your staff has reached out to the lead by either method. You can sort and filter View All Leads and then follow up as your workflow requires. For instance I could filter Status = Contacted and date range Last Month and then follow up w/anyone who had been contacted less than X times.

  3. Finally, Campaign Builder allows you to add an "Outbound Call" element to drip campaigns that alerts your staff if someone has not responded to any of the messages from the campaign. Go to Preferences> Campaign Builder and click an existing campaign to see an example. Click Next two times and you'll see the page where you can pull in Email, Text or Outbound call elements.

If you follow up with these leads  and still have no luck, it's time to Disqualify them.  See the article Delete/Disqualify a Lead.

If none of these options fit what you are trying to do, log a support ticket and we'll try to help you find a solution.
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