Managing duplicates from your EMR

Managing duplicates from your EMR

If your MyMedLeads account is integrated with your EMR (NexTech, PatientNow, DrChrono, Symplast, NextGen), you may sometimes see this message at the top of your Home page.

You have X possible duplicates. Please Click Here to manage them...
This message appears when there are two records for this person in MyMedLeads: one has the original Lead Source (ex: Realself) and the other has your EMR as the Lead Source (ex: NexTech).

Post Date
Action Button
John Smith

Follow up
John Smith
Consult Complete
Not Duplicate

Why do I have these duplicates?

Every time you schedule a patient in your EMR, MyMedLeads gets an update and tries to match it with an existing MyMedLeads record for that patient. 

If you enter new patients directly into your EMR when you are ready to schedule them, MyMedLeads will try to find a person with the exact same name, email and phone number(s) and automatically merge / match the EMR record to the one in MyMedLeads, which has the trackable Lead Source.

If MyMedLeads only finds a partial match, MyMedLeads thinks the two records are the same person, but needs a human to look at them to be sure. Meanwhile MyMedLeads will create a duplicate with your EMR as the Lead Source.
  1. This duplicate record isn't being tracked on the funnel or your conversion reports
  2. This person might be getting more than one marketing email or incorrect appointment notifications.
How do I avoid duplicates?
The best way to avoid duplicates completely is to always use the Convert To button in MyMedLeads to create your new patient in your EMR. In other words, don't enter new leads or new patients directly into your EMR. The two systems will immediately make a match between the two records.

This isn't the same person; what do I do?
Click the Not Duplicate button and you're done. MyMedLeads will never look at these two records as the same person again.

This is the same person; what do I do?
Click the Merge button to combine the two records into one.

Which data will MyMedLeads keep when I merge?
Here are the basic rules. The table below shows which fields would be kept if we merged that example.
  1. Post Date - oldest date
  2. Name - most recent name
  3. Phone - if one field is blank, the non-blank number. otherwise most recent phone
  4. Phone2 - if one field is blank, the non-blank number. otherwise most recent phone2
  5. Email - if one field is blank, the non-blank email. otherwise most recent email
  6. Status - the status farthest along (ex: Consult Complete beats Follow Up)
  7. Lead Source (not shown on Merge screen) - the trackable lead source

Post Date
Action Button
John Smith

Follow up
John Q Smith
Consult Complete
Not Duplicate

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