How to set up automated reminders

How to set up automated reminders

In addition to being able to use the Set Reminder button to remind yourself about a particular lead, you can create a set of automated reminders that will appear on your staff's dashboard when a lead gets to a certain point in time and still hasn't been scheduled.  

For example, you can automatically remind your staff to call, and text a lead at 1 week and 2 weeks and then remind to disqualify leads who haven't scheduled by 6 weeks.  If the lead ends up scheduling the first appt before the reminders all go out, s/he is removed from the campaign automatically and your automated reminders will stop for that person.

You'll set these up in your Procedure campaign(s).  NOTE: if you already have one or more campaigns live and sending emails and texts, please contact MyMedLeads support at 888.858.6785 for guidance on incorporating automated reminders into your existing campaigns.

If you have no existing campaigns, it's very simple to set up a series of automated reminders.
  1. Go to Preferences> Campaign Builder
  2. Click Procedures on the left to expand the list.
  3. Click Default to load that campaign on the right (note: if it's already active and you haven't edited campaigns before, contact support for help)
  4. Click Next Step, then Next Step again
  5. Click and drag an Outbound Call Reminder into the grey space on the right, give it a label, and set the timing.
    1. Repeat according to your workflow for following up and disqualifying older leads.  Be sure to Save the page.
    2. As long as a lead has not yet been scheduled, the reminders will continue to go to your staff.
  6. Once you Activate your campaign on Step 4, all new leads from that point forward will trigger the automatic reminders.

The reminders appear:
  1. On your To-Do list (Home page under the funnel)
  2. At the bottom of the Lead Details page in the lead's History section
  3. (optional) As reminders sent to the email and/or text in your MyMedLeads user profile (see Preferences> Edit Staff Preferences).

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